Loyalty Rebrand

Reebok’s loyalty program for years functioned as two separate programs: Reebok UNLOCKED and ReebokONE (made for trainers-only). To consolidate and reposition the two programs under one program, it took a joint effort between Reebok Loyalty and Digital Commerce teams.

Reebok has over +300 members and most were not aware (Reebok UNLOCKED) was a membership service. The task at hand was to rethink, rename, and redesign Reebok’s loyalty program into something more understandable, community focused, and aligning closer to the Reebok brand direction.

Role: Art Direction and Design

Program Direction

From member feedback and analytic data collected on the program over the past 4 years. I leveraged this data with the director of loyalty when revamping the programs look and feel.

When concepting the new iteration of the loyalty program we wanted to make sure the visuals honed in on inclusivity and show that fitness can change lives no matter how consumers move. This program was made to support the best you—whether you’re just starting your fitness journey, are a seasoned athlete or somewhere in between.

The Brand

Uniting the Program Under the Brand

Reebok’s loyalty program had gone through 3 waves branding. I worked with loyalty and analytic leads to analyze consumer member feedback and consumer testing when kicking off the loyalty rebrand.

Reebok UNLOCKED program had great benefits but the unique name and creative direction was failing to align with the brand DNA. More than 60% of members had no recollection that Reebok UNLOCKED was a loyalty program.

As a team we worked to re-position the program’s tone, expression, and strategy. We conducted multiple user tests and surveys for different names with branding. As a result, the answer was to keep it direct and simple: Reebok Rewards. It was transparent and understandable to the consumer.

The logo locks up uses Reebok’s primary Vector logo paired with a simple wordmark.

Once the name and branding were defined, we were able to focus on the programs top perks that members loved. In the end, we noticed a strategy change for the Reebok brand, which is now focusing more on membership.




Rue Gilt Groupe Digital Marketing